About Skelton Village
The picturesque village of Skelton is situated 3 miles North of the City of York, North Yorkshire, England.
Skelton Parish Council owns and maintains a number of green spaces in the village including The Green, Crooking Green, Orchard Field and The Pasture as well as bus shelters. Moreover, the Council provides and maintains a children's playground at Brecksfield. Skelton Cemetery, which is situated about a mile out of the village on Moor Lane, is also owned and maintained by the Council.
The Parish Council is a statutory consultee for all City of York Council planning applications within the Parish.
The Council's activities are principally funded from the Precept plus occasional grants from City of York Council and Cemetery Fees.
Council Meetings are normally held on the fourth Thursday of each month in the Skelton Village Hall with an open forum at the start of each meeting. Parishioners are encouraged to speak at the open forums and to stay and observe the meetings of the Council. All agendas and minutes for Council meetings are displayed on the village notice boards and on this website. Elections for the nine members of the Council are held every four years. Any vacancies are advertised on this page.
To contact the Council by email please visit the clerk page.