20th January 2025

Search Skelton Parish Council

The picturesque village of Skelton is situated 3 miles North of York

Damage to Grass Verges : Residents are asked to help

Discussion took place at a recent Parish Council meeting over the reported damage to the grass verges along Church Lane and on other roads throughout the village.

Whilst having sympathy and acknowledged it reflected on the appearance and character of the village it was recognised there is little that could be done in the short term in the village that was never intended to cope with 21st century traffic viz heavy goods vehicle's, farm machinery and even contractors vans who have sometimes to park on verges to allow for passing traffic, the village being more conducive to horse drawn carriages!

The problem has been exacerbated by the record rainfall that we have experienced this winter by evidence of standing surface water on land and in the village on open spaces, playground, football field and most probably experienced by residents in their own gardens. City of York Council, the authority responsible for the maintenance of highways and verges, sometime will consider, in extreme cases, bollard schemes and possibly making roads one directional, but these are long term solutions which does not help preventing the day to day occurrence of grass verge damage.The Parish Council are minded to suggest residents may wish to help in maintaining the appearance of the village and the entrance to their properties by repairing, best they are able, damage verges outside their properties when the weather conditions allow until the verges recover to an acceptable condition.

Posted: Mon, 26 Feb 2024 09:12

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